Monday, November 9, 2009

Resigned to Getting Along

Regarding Mayor Sullivan's request for Cape Coral City Manager Terry Stewart's resignation...

In April 08 we nattered on CEO lip service... as GM’s Rick Wagoner blamed multi billion dollar losses on the locusts…

"I'm deeply disappointed with our Q1 results. The precipitous decline in housing market conditions and unprecedented changes in consumer behavior.."

Wagoner's excuses were just as lame as the rest of Wall Streets "best and brightest" whose hubris and greed have brought us to this point.

One could also blame Bush for not working hard enough at his job and hiring badly.

In July 08 we put GM on Death Watch and noted Wagoner's track record…

Since CEO Rick Wagoner took over GM in 2000, the shares have fallen 87% and are at a 54 year low; GM has cut its U.S. salaried workforce to 32,000 from 44,000.

GM has not posted a profit in the last 3 years while losing $51 billion;market share is at a low not seen since 1925; GM has not suspended a divident since 1922

In August 08, with regard to American auto industry management we asked… Where were their heads?

Over the last several years, Wagoner, Mulally, Nardelli et al. have yet to retool and build a new generation of fuel-efficient vehicles for North America.

Now they collectively panhandle for a low interest handout to "remain competitive".

Nature should be allowed to take its course and these dinosaurs who have their collective heads buried in the sand, should go the way of the dodo... extinct

In November 08 we lamented on crybaby capitalism, taking accountability; unjustified bailouts; and overpaid CEO’s...

Overpaid and overrated executive management the likes of Rick Wagoner at GM and Richard Syron at Freddie Mac.

Rich Wagoner has run the world's largest automaker into the ground for the past 8 years, presiding over $73 billion in losses beginning in 2005.

He has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, that he and his team are clueless blue blood imbeciles.

Isn't it about time this pack of mismanaging idiots were shown the gallows, er, I mean the door?

And regarding potential bailouts of automotive and financial sectors we asked: Does this fantasy world of yours have amusement rides too?

As it turns out, many E ticket rides were to be had by all, indeed.

In November 08 Wagoner painted a grim picture, if GM were not to receive a bailout, we called for a clean sweep.

GM CEO Wagoner commented on a GM BK: "the economy would suffer a catastrophic collapse"

We natter, the only catastrophe is that Wagoner is still employed, no bailout without a complete exec mgmt sweep, including directors...

and voting control of the board... I wouldn't hire this pack of executive ass clowns to wash my car, let alone build me one.

In October 08 we nattered about Ricky boy’s Golden Parachute…

Instead of planning and building a smarter mouse trap; brainchild CEO Rick Wagoner,

wants to trim $15 billion to stay afloat, and so he can collect a bigger bonus.

We have a request for Ricky boy, set an example for all the derelict whores on the hill, bankers & CEO's; man up and do the honorable thing,

take out an insurance policy naming the employees as beneficiary; then commit Hari-kari or jump out a 30th story window.

Now thats the kind of golden parachute we need...

In March 09, Seator Chuck Grassley must have been reading us and echoed our sentiments with regard to AIG…

Senator Chuck Grassley said that AIG executives should follow the Japanese method and...

“come before the American people and take that deep bow and say I’m sorry. And then either do one of two things, resign or go commit suicide.

The Nattering One muses... profilgate spending, overpaid CEO's, bailouts, golden parachutes, greed and hubris... sound familiar?

Today's breed of executive or CEO, they collect their heady paycheck repleat with bonus and stock options, at the expense of the rank & file and stockholders.

And much like our elected officials, they then move on to bleed out the next victim.

These are not men of honor, for in Japan, when asked to resign, you do the honorable thing, resign.

Men of honor, take ownership for what transpired under their watch, and if necessary, they man up and move on.

This isn't a question of "just cause" on the City's or council or Mayor's part.

If you want cause, look at the track record, look at the spending, the price, and who benefitted...

Then wonder if The Cape will be able to make its future debt obligations and will the Cape's resident tax payers be able to come up with the necessary money?

Food for thought... Regardless of circumstance or cause, would you stay at a party where you were being 86'ed?

There's an old saying: If you can't get along, git along.

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