Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Minutemen Part II

More from the Minutemen web site...

Larry Barton on the last administrations answer to the Kessler audit:

The Price Waterhouse Coopers -one of the Big-four- audit of the City-MWH contract did NOT establish this “legitimacy or validity,” but only that they...

“did not find anything materially wrong,” and that “[t]he city and MWH performed as their contracts required and that the labor billing rates were competitive.”

The MWH bought-and-paid-for audit (opinion) by PWC is not and should not be the ultimate qualifying authority.

Remember that Arthur Anderson, once the #1 accounting firm that sacrificed its integrity, went down with Enron, their well-paying client

William P. Deile:

On City Manager Terry Stewart: It appears as if Mr. Stewart is an adherent of the Josef Goebbles theory of journalism...

if you keep repeating your story long enough people will begin to believe it

On City Project Management: Mr. Stewart argues that the reason the city outsources project management is because management of the utility project is “terribly difficult”...

yet further on he extols the competency of those on city staff who “have a combined 100 years of engineering and management experience with projects of various sizes and complexities

On UEP costs: The city staff’s steadfast refusal to consider anything but a central gravity fed system is one reason.

A second reason is the refusal to do value engineering and the stacking of management fee upon management fee to insulate the city from responsibility.

A third reason, cited in multiple audits lies in the details of the contractual arrangements and yet another may be found the methodology used to apportion costs

The Nattering One muses... Again, revisit the Kessler audit. Much that was obfuscated, omitted and gerrymandered will be revealed.

This city should not be outsourcing anything. No more at risk managers, we take ownership and pull the necessary O&E (omissions & errors) & liability insurance.

We hire the necessary talent to manage and perform the tasks. Its as simple as that.

No one is this town has wanted to step up and take ownership and assume the responsibility.

The low lying fruit was left to be scooped up by the manager at risk and their profiteering cronies. How could we value engineer anything?

The "meddling" personnel where the rubber meets the road were kept out of the loop by the manager at risk and their designated lackeys?

We can value engineer the bio solids building and the UEP project, and create additional durable economic jobs for Cape residents.

This can all be done in house at a minimal cost to the taxpayer, as it should have been from the start.

We now have the chance Mayor Sullivan, don't drop the ball and succumb to arrogance and greed.

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