Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cape Coral Election Results

Apparently the man on the street was an accurate reflection of voter sentiment.

Sullivan was elected in a landslide, as predicted. Interestingly enough, only 18% of all registered voters cast a vote.

The final tally rounded: 11.5K to 6.5K or 64% to 36%. That's right 18K voters decided for an estimated population of 125K.

With the election of Mayor Sullivan and District 4:Chulakes-Leetz, add District 2: Brandt and District 3:Deile for a tally of 4 council votes.

Opposing them will be 3 votes: District 1:McClain, District 6:McGrail, District 7:Donnell

Leaving the wild card or swing vote: District 5:Grill

Now that the man on the street's will has been imposed... we have a piece of advice for the victors... walk softly, carry a big stick and...

do not become victims of the same malady that struck down those who went before you, arrogance.

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