Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mayor Sullivan Part II

On paying a billing rate of $238.51 per hour to at risk contractors such as MWH:

Can’t you think of a better way to spend that kind of money? Just give it a little thought and I’m sure you can come up with a better solution...

such as paying 10 city employees at the rate of 23.81 per hour rather than paying an exorbitant rate to keep someone else working

On building a durable local economy: The mayor says we need to put people to work.

Well we can start by giving city business to local firms. There are big bucks in utility projects.

The mayor should think about what that kind of money would do for our local economy and our local job market.

Instead he would rather give our money to someone else to help our utility department sit on its collective behinds and have someone else from out of town do their jobs.

We hire many out of town and out of state companies to do our work. We don’t even have our utility bills printed in Cape Coral.

As far as job creation is concerned most of the workers are foreign workers laying the lines. You might have an American supervising 6 or 8 foreign workers.

These people send the money out of the country to support their families elsewhere.

In fact we don’t even know if these workers are legal nor do we know if the American running the heavy equipment are even residents of Cape Coral.

There was talk of creating 500 jobs with the N–1 thru N–8 project.

Projects like these were never meant to be an efficient way to put our residents to work and get the biggest bang for the buck.

The Nattering One muses... Again we concur with the Mayor elect...

we would much rather have 10 city employees working for one hour, than one manager at risk employee.

When CCC cannot perform the task at hand, we should use local subs with expertise, with CCC personnel managing the tasks.

However, we do take exception because the utility department doesn't sit on its collective behinds.

Utilities doesn't want anyone in town (private) or out of town (manager at risk) doing their jobs.

Send the at risk manager packing and lets get this done from inside the house.

We will hire local's at prevailing wages, creating durable economic jobs which will create service sector jobs, and keep the money in the Cape.

Bring it on Mayor Sullivan, CCC utilities are ready and waiting, when you are. More to come in Part III.

Remember, tomorrow, November 5th is Guy Fawkes day.

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