Thursday, November 5, 2009

Mayor Sullivan Part IV

John Sullivan on Financial Services Director Mark Mason: Mr. Mason put on quite a show Monday night.

He sounded like a “slick carney hustler” while he cut through the adjusted budget components smooth as silk. This was most defiantly a command performance.

He really “suckered” the new council and I think that performance would have been worth paying admission to see.

It was a real show. I could almost hear the crowd in the background and could barely hear, “Come One Come All”in the distance.

John Sullivan on City Manager Terry Stewart & Financial Services Director Mark Mason: My congratulations go out to Mr. Stewart and Mr. Mason...

since they apparently have managed to render the Cape Coral Comprehensive Annual Financial Report completely useless.

There must be some kind of accounting award for this or maybe we can start The CPA Hall of Fame (Shame). We could install Mr. Mason as the first member.

John Sullivan on Public Works Director Chuck Pavlos & MWH Project Manager Larry Laws: There is a rumor floating around which may have some serious implications...

and that is that Mr. Pavlos and Mr. Larry Laws the MWH Project Manager in Cape Coral were friends or associates before Mr. Pavlos came to Cape Coral.

The City of Cape Coral has 36 or 38 ongoing projects with MWH.

And when you look at the facts we are paying 2 to 5 times more than residents in nearby communities for essentially the same utility services.

Why did we have three audits and wind up with essentially the same outcome including possible bid-rigging?

Why did the city not ask for the Attorney Generals' opinion concerning violations of state statutes?

Why is there an F.B.I. and Department Of Justice Investigation going on?

As it turns out, the rumor is true; they (Pavlos & Laws) did serve in the Navy together.

The Nattering One muses... Alrighty then, we certainly know where Mayor Sullivan stands on the trinity, as he doesn't mince words and we respect that.

Na Na Na Na hey hey, good bye or 1st down & 2 to Go?... Yesterday, newly elected Councilman Chulakes-Leetz said...

"If Mr. Stewart is the honorable man I believe he is, it will be his due diligence to provide and offer his resignation."

Today, Mr. Stewart confirmed he is a finalist for a job near Myrtle Beach, SC; and Paco from Capevine confirms; Terry told his staff that he may be a short timer.

Rumor Central: There is another twist being floated about on the Pavlos-Laws Navy link...

While stationed at Penascola in the Navy... they both served together under the same CO... Steve Daignault, former Cape Coral Public Works Director & City Manager.

The other variant on this rumor is they worked together in Hawaii... Aloha! Paco from Capevine has another twist...

If any of this can be substantiated, with regard to fiduciary responsibilities...

Happy Guy Fawkes Day... More to come.

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