Saturday, April 30, 2011

Part VII: Rand Paul and Ayn Rand: Nothing in Common

The Naybob of Realty, Not Reality, has done it again...

To Parts V & VI she replied... with a notice for the new Atlas Shrugged movie and a Rand Paul petition for "the Right to Work that Obama fears" with the comment:

"As I said before… I think you’re living around too many fossils who hang on to the experiences of yesteryear...

and days long gone by that don’t exist anymore… the killer of visionaries and entrepreneurs

The Nattering One muses... If Rupert Murdoch is your visionary and Rand Paul is the saviour of your entrepreneurs...

by destroying the only thing standing between you and slavery...

that being unions and the existence of the right to negotiate for fair wages and decent working conditions.

then you are at best, hopeless, clueless and quite misinformed. But then again, you did vote for Shrub Jr. twice and that says it all.

FYI, Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged has many of its precepts lifted from the 1922 novel The Driver, written by Garet Garrett which concerns an idealized industrialist...

named Henry Galt, who is a transcontinental railway owner trying to improve the world and fighting against government and socialism. Sound familiar?

Both novels suggest pro-capitalist ways in which the country might get out of the depression. But in plot, character, tone, and theme they are very different.

The real purpose of Ayn Rand's book is to expouse the core tenets of Rand's philosophy of Objectivism.

The Conservative Teabaggers stain Ayn Rand's opus with their misinterpretation or "Fox News world perception" of John Galt's message that...

civilization cannot exist where men are slave to society and government.

This message is stained by perverting the idea put forth in the book, that the destruction of the profit motive leads to the collapse of society,

into a crusade of the FOR PROFIT corporation and Government by The Rich and for The Rich, trumping the individual and government by the people and for the people.

Again, for the conservative, Republican or teabagger, the following truth holds: unions, pensions, public workers, homosexuals and immigrants are the problem...

if you eliminate them, you eliminate the problem, this is the final solution to rid us of the NEW JEW.

Again, your misguided NAZI like efforts are due to your being easily misled, clueless, quite obviously misinformed and sadly...

this short (thumb and index finger held one inch apart) of being in a vegatative state or medically induced coma.

Verily your ideology is a shining testament to the phrases, "if you tell a big enough lie, enough times, people will believe it" and "there's a sucker born every minute".

Remember Naybob's of reality, do not drink the kool aid, remain one of the innoculati, and when the time comes, be merciful and aim for the head.

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