Saturday, April 16, 2011

Part V: The Two Party System

A Naybob of Realty, not Reality send an email regarding...

Obama signing an executive order to loan 2 Billion of our taxpayers dollars to a Brazilian Oil Exploration Company to drill for oil off the coast of Brazil.

The oil that comes from this operation is for the sole purpose and use of China and not the USA.

Later UN-fact checked email is exposed as the product of Rupert Murdoch's disinformation machine.

In the initial email this misguided Naybob states...

"This is a perfect example why many refrain from watching news on ABC, NBC, CBS, or MSNBC. Thank God for Fox News and Glenn Beck!"

The Nattering One muses... This is why you will never know the truth.

Pravda and Goebbels were more fair and balanced than Fox news.

Why do you think FOX trademarked the phrase, fair and balanced?

Besides, the Republican illuminati, which by the way, are the same people running the Democratic party,

i.e. THE RICH UPPER 2% which include Rupert Murdoch... George Soros, etc. do not want you or the public to know the truth.

These people have only one interest at heart, their money, keeping it and expanding their power base by taking whatever they can from you and I, legally or illegally.


Republicans want you to believe that smaller government, laissez faire economics, fiscal conservatism and trickle down economics with less taxation is better.

The theory goes that reduced income tax rates increase GDP growth and thereby generate the same or more revenue for the government from the smaller tax on the extra growth.

This belief is reflected, in part, by the party's long-term advocacy of tax cuts.

Many Republicans consider the income tax system to be inherently inefficient and oppose graduated tax rates, which they believe are unfairly targeted at those who create jobs and wealth.

Republicans tend to favor faith-based initiatives. They believe private spending is usually more efficient than government spending.

Republicans also believe the private sector is more effective in helping the poor than government is; as a result, Republicans support giving government grants to faith-based and other private charitable organizations to supplant welfare spending.

Republicans also oppose the estate tax which is viewed as another penalty on the wealthy.

Republicans are opposed to increases in the minimum wage, believing that such increases hurt many businesses by forcing them to cut jobs and services, export jobs overseas, and raise the prices of goods to compensate for the decrease in profit.

Most Republicans support school choice through charter schools and school vouchers for private schools; many have denounced the performance of the public school system and the teachers' unions.

They are generally against affirmative action for women and some minorities often describing it as a quota system.

Some Republicans are skeptical of anthropogenic global warming and question scientific studies on the impact of human activity on climate change.

Instead, they assert that global warming is part of a natural cyclical phenomenon, or is caused by a number of other alternative factors.


The Democratic party has historically favored states' rights and strict adherence to the Constitution; and at its inception, opposed a national bank and wealthy, moneyed interests.

In the past, the party has favored farmers, laborers, labor unions, and religious and ethnic minorities and has opposed unregulated business and finance, and favored progressive income taxes.

Democrats favor a higher minimum wage, and more regular increases.

Democrats have opposed tax cuts and incentives to oil companies, favoring a policy of developing domestic renewable energy.

Democrats generally support a more progressive tax structure to provide more services and reduce economic inequality.

Democrats generally support more government spending on social services while spending less on the military.

Democrats believe that the government should protect the environment, the most important environmental concern of the Democratic Party is global warming.

Most Democrats have the long-term aim of having low-cost, publicly funded college education with low tuition fees, which should be available to every eligible American student.

The liberal and cosmopolitan wing of the party, including the intelligentsia and college-educated professionals overall, tend to favor globalization, while the organized labor wing of the party opposes it.

The Democratic Party supports equal opportunity for all Americans regardless of sex, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, or national origin. The Party supports affirmative action programs to further this goal.

Some members of both parties favor civil unions for same-sex couples, others favor full and equal legalized marriage, and others are opposed to same-sex marriage on religious or ideological grounds.

Most members of the Democratic Party believe that all women should have access to birth control, and support public funding of contraception for poor women.

Democrats want you to believe that the benefits or redistribution of wealth through increased social services, in monetary and non-monetary terms, are a more productive labor force and cultured population...

and believe that the benefits of this are greater than any benefits that could be derived from lower taxes, especially on top earners, or cuts to social services.

The Nattering One muses... Aside from some obvious differences in dogma...

when it comes to maintaining special interests in banking, finance, globalization, health care insurance, pharmaceutical and big oil, over the last 30 years the Democrats have voted on the same side as the Republicans.

Whats mine is mine and what's yours is mine, and if you don't like it, fuck you. This is the Republican mantra.

Whats mine is mine and what's yours is ours, and if you don't like it, fuck you. This is the Democratic mantra.

These policies are being furthered by a system bound in senseless term limits and seeming political gridlock.

The two party system is certainly better, for the corporations, insurance, banking, finance and the ultra rich, and that's the way they like it.

This is government by the rich and for the rich, not by the people or for the people.

Those that control it will do anything to keep the masses at bay, up to and including using economic, religious, racial, ethnic...

gender, sexual persuasion and political dogma to create race and class wars amongst those below them in monetary stature.

Through political divisiveness they conquer by creating fanaticism and tyranny, both of which are the spawn of ignorance, which they strive to preserve at all costs.

Reductions in educational spending as a result in tax cutting were just the start of the dumbing down of America.

And any political body that supports this platform will be supported by the blue blooded elites and their ideological MBA educated lackeys.

The two party system keeps those in control, in control, and affords the illusion or delusion of democracy or choice to the ignorant masses whom are enslaved by it.

Those who are hailed as saviour's, such as Donald Trump, George Soros, Rupert Murdoch et al. are really your jailer's.

Think about it for a minute, those with the money and power, want to keep it that way.

Why not turn the mindless masses against one another through devisiveness? It's really quite easy to do you know.

Just tell one side that the other side said, their god isn't the real god, then stand back and see what happens...

while you sell weapons to both sides and profit, and they kill each other off. Now thats what I call easy money.

Naybob's rule #1: IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.
Naybob's rule #2: Never forget rule #1.

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