Saturday, April 23, 2011

Part VI: Night of The Living Brain Dead

Our Naybob of Realty has done it again... This week she sends a piece of tripe purported to be authored by Dr. Walter Williams titled..

Obama cannot be defeated in 2012. This tripe is attributed to

however we cannot find any link between Townhall, Dr. Walter Williams and this piece of tripe that found our Inbox...

Never the less, The Nattering One muses...

Thanks for the inspiration from your unchecked Obama story... it spawned Part V: The Two Party System, I even mentioned you.

From your latest piece of tripe... something actually worthy... "The American people are notoriously ignorant" No statement could be truer.

This is how Bush got elected twice, by braindead flatliner idiots, in two rigged elections.... These are the same people who also believe...

in invisible men that live in the sky and a hereafter...

and that terrorists are on every corner...

and that religions other than their own are praying to the wrong god...

and that heathens and infidels should be put through the inquisition and crusades to be coverted or brainwashed..

and that immigrants, unions, public pensions and homosexuals are the problem...

who support globalization and outsourcing to labor at the margin...

who support avoidance of environmental requirements... so they can pollute and destroy at will, for profit...

who support greedy, two faced, corporations, bankers, finance and Wall Street rapists who were and still are allowed to run wild...

who now whine constantly about a President who happens to be black, and the world of shit we are in... because of their greed, hubris and poor choices...

who insist on cutting income taxes for the corporations and ultra rich, while raising consumption taxes on the ultra poor.. through Fed banker led inflation..

who insist on destroying unions, without which we would already be working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day...

without benefits or vacations, for below minimum wage, next to 14 year olds and prison laborers... Oh wait a minute, that's Walmart, I forgot....

Yes, the American people are generally ignorant, at least the 51% that voted for Bush are...

and those Republicans, conservatives or Tea baggers, Libertarians or Nazis or whatever they call themselves today...

are getting everything they so richly deserve, In SPADES... oh yes, now we are all at the mercy of the two party machine that is...


From those of us who have a brain, and a brain wave, and can still think rationally... WE THANK YOU. No really, we do....

Do the rest of us a favor, start praying to your imaginary friends in the sky... for a merciful and quick death, your own that is.

with no right to organize, no right to bargain, it sounds like slavery is making a comeback...

I do hope those rich aristocrats will be more tolerant than our founding fathers were.. or at least our Communist Chinese overlords.

Oh that's right, you can shit in one hand and pray with the other... see what you get first. In fact, see what you get period.

So much for your higher power and prophets... its not "for prophet", its "for PROFIT", what part did you not understand???

Help us Zeus, Apollo, Mohammad, Jesus, Buddha, Shiva, Satan or what was his/her/it's name anyway? I prefer those who pray to totem and May poles myself....

at any rate, in closing we offer Claire Wolfe... "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards."

Oh no Claire, we beg to differ, time to start loading up and taking aim, before its too late for the rest of us...

that are still in possession of our minds and guns that is. And remember...

the brain dead Zombies in this horror story, can only be killed one at a time, by a clean shot to the head.

Take that you pack of whining braindead pod people, standup and kick yourself in the ass, you know who you are.

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