Saturday, November 12, 2011

Credit Based Inflation or Why We're Not in Kansas Anymore?

Credit inflation helped inflate home prices and in turn forced people to borrow even more money to make home purchases. This is the web of debt that caught the population in a never ending loop.

Why does the FED target 2% inflation but not 0%? Inflation makes sure that savers are punished. If people are allowed the save money to buy their homes, then the cycle will end. Thus SAVING and paying CASH must be blocked at all costs.

Never forget that the FED works for the banking industry and makes sure that bankers earn interest at the expense of the rest of the population.

The best thing Americans can do to improve their life style is to avoid taking mortgages.

This is going to prevent the financial industry from making a claim on people’s 30 year earnings for simply creating money out of thin air.

This is outright robbery of the people. This practice of usury must be declared illegal. This is no different than slavery.

But bankers are organized where as the people are not! Individuals and not a powerful lobby which faces the bankers. Thus each individual is helpless and at the mercy of usurers.

All of the prices, and salaries you see around you were based on inflated credit that happened over 50 years. It is based on a money supply that is almost entirely bank credit.

People borrowed and borrowed and spent. The amount of money borrowed reached sky high. You earned in good times! Now, everything is reversing course!

What’s going on with the world’s economy? Foreclosures are up, unemployment is skyrocketing - and this may only be the beginning.

Some think the cause is reckless government spending. Bur even financially conservative countries like Ireland are in trouble.

The true cause of the economic problem is the debt based monetary system.

Could it be that solutions to the world’s economic problems are embedded in the most beloved children’s story of all time, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”?

The yellow brick, the emerald city of Oz, even Dorothy’s silver slippers were powerful symbols of author L. Frank Baum’s belief that the people (not the big banks) should control the quantity of a nation’s money.

The bottom line: No More National Debt. All our money is created out of debt. But nations don’t have to borrow money from banks.

Sovereign nations can create their own money (debt free) just as Abraham Lincoln did. But will it not cause inflation if we let the government simply print money?

Well, banks are already creating money out of nothing and it is causing inflation as we all know it. We might as well collect the interest ourselves!

Banks, finance and insurance profits should be made by the people and for the people. Not by the elite and for the rich.

Excerpts above from Web of Debt.

The Nattering One muses... A debt free monetary system is the fix. If you want the truth, dare to watch this award winning 2 hour documentary "The Secret of Oz".

Take the time to learn how the bankers going back to Christ have put the screws to the populace. History keeps repeating itself.

As Col. Nathan Jessup nattered: "You want the truth? You can't handle the truth."

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