Monday, September 26, 2011

The New Kid - Wish Me Luck

Click here to first to watch the one minute commericial: The New Kid - Late 80's McDonalds Advert, then come back and read below.

In response to yesterdays post's - Recession's Act Two & The Double Dip, a Naybob of Transport notes...

Good morning *********, or should I say Mr. Naybob

I always enjoy your nattering’s as depressing as they may be, and I agree with you most of the time.

I too feel that we are already in a second recession. If it looks, feels, smells and tastes like sh*t, there is a good chance it is, even if the Government wants to call it something else.

Anyway you cut it, it’s still sh*t, and Obama’s jobs bill is an utter joke as well. There is not one thing contained within it that would prompt me to hire someone that I wasn’t already going to hire anyway. Sure I’ll take the credits but they would be better off leaving as is.

When you use the terms Gutless and spineless, you are being way too nice in my opinion.

My personal net worth has dropped by more than 50% in the past 2.5 years, so forget about my prior plans for retirement.

I just might be that 90 year old man in the old McDonalds Commercials walking out the door in his new McDonalds Uniform walking to work on this first day on the job with his new employer, waiving to my wife with my cane saying “Wish Me Luck”.

I don’t know if you ever recall that commercial but it gave me nightmares. They were trying to recruit older folks that needed a little extra income, but to me it was a nightmare. A total failure of the system.

They tried to make it look like fun, you know get out of the house and be productive. I looked at it as work your ass off all your life and then what do you have to look forward to in your final days?

Wiping down tables at McDonalds, working with people that don’t even know how to count change unless they look at the picture buttons on the register and earn top dollars at minimum wage.

(The Nattering One muses... the next passage may seem racist, but it is just an observation of this individual.)

Stopping at McDonalds and observing who is working there is one of the many gauges I use to determine how bad the economy really is.

When the economy is bad, you will find mostly white people working there. When the economy is a little better you will see mostly white and some african american.

When it’s doing ok you will see a mix of african american and some hispanic. When the economy is humming along you will find hispanic supervisors, an almost all Hispanic work force...

with few african americans and virtually no whites unless of course you are in the middle of corn field USA. I have been observing this for years.

As you know, the majority of my employees are blue collar. I pay on the very high end of the scale but from what I see of these guys in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s are living check to check to check with no savings.

They have no skills other than driving, and they have no money. A nice flat screen TV, but no money.

Very few employers offer any sort of pension program and 401k’s have surely shown what can happen. It’s amazing how many people don’t even have a 401k.

The vast majority of our generation will be looking to Washington for handouts when they get older because they have not saved a penny, or we will be an economy of minimum wage geriatrics.

The meat wagons will be coming by daily to pick up the dead bodies as we drop like flies on the job from old age. “Wish me Luck”.

The Nattering One muses... Tonights offering for your acceptance, submitted for your approval....

Most often heard phrase at Walmart or McDonald's, often being uttered by an employee over the age of fifty...

"Welcome to Walmart, how can I help you?" ; "Would you like to Supersize that order?"

We have noted many a time in these pages about the new world disorder in which one is expected to work till they die...

This is why UNIONS are a necessary evil, TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL against the profit motive AKA GREED, and no Gordon Gecko, greed is NOT good.

Workers must unite in all industries and at all levels, to prevent management from abusing the populace under the profit motive and outsourcing to labor at the margin.

Unchecked and left to their own devices, management will ALWAYS abuse the rights of the individual in favor of the capitalist creed.

What part of FOR PROFIT, did you NOT understand?

We defer to the Grass Roots song "Live for Today":

When I think of all the worries people seem to find
And how they're in a hurry to complicate their mind
By chasing after money and dreams that can't come true
I'm glad that we are different, we've better things to do
May others plan their future, I'm busy lovin' you (1-2-3-4)
Sha-la-la-la-la-la, live for today
Sha-la-la-la-la-la, live for today
And don't worry 'bout tomorrow, hey, hey, hey

This is also why PENSION plans, public and private MUST exist. Left to their own devices, individuals will NOT plan for the future.

Again, individuals as a group can muster better placement, control and return's on their nesteggs.

Individual 401K's are nothing more than a Wall Street broker scam to make more managment fees off the individual.

Remember PLANNING IS ESSENTIAL and UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. There is power in numbers, NOW is the time to "come together right now".

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