Sunday, December 6, 2009

Stuffed In A Mailbox

Found a copy of CCC's ON THE MOVE, stuffed in a mailbox... The Nattering One has some random musings on items that stick out, like sore thumbs..

1. Cape TV Contract renewed without FAC meetings.

Not good, wouldn't be prudent at this juncture, ALL the Financial Advisory Committee meetings, discourse and findings need to be public.

2. Public Works reorganized for efficiencies.

Word on the street has it that so far, the "reorg" has had the opposite effect; i.e. costing the city more money, while reducing service levels.

3. The New ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, from JD Edwards using Oracle databases.

Rumor has it, in short, a disaster. Very complicated to deploy, modify, maintain and use. To be filed under, if it works, don't F with it.

4. 2nd Phase of Public Safety Broadband Wireless Network; the 4.9Ghz band for fire & schools.

This radio network will stand alone, but would have piggy backed nicely on the WW12 communication towers proposal.

That being a $12 million proposition for four 100 ft plus communications towers; and a network control center; that MWH tried to bamboozle the city with.

Rumor from Paco at Capevine sez: some intrepid and enterprising city insiders can achieve the same end results as WW12 for under $500K. No surprise here.

Someone needs to club the soon to be ex-manager at risk over the head with this one.

5. Paco from Grapevine also reports that certain council members have been making the rounds at the water treatment & water reclamation plants.

If you want the real inside dope on all the system improvements; additions; and manager at risk mistakes being paid for with taxpayer money...

have some private meetings with those who are intimate with the process and daily operation.

Suggestion: Grant immunity, then listen closely.

The Nattering One muses... Water, Sewer & Irrigation which is within Utilities and Public Works...

is the ONLY department in this CITY that pays for itself and generates SURPLUS cash for the city. Go ahead check the CAFR.

Water, Sewer & Irrigation provide on average $12 to $14 million NET to the city coffers every year.

Proving that WATER and the systems that process, reclaim and deliver water, ARE this city's MOST VALUABLE RESOURCES.

Rule Number One: Never mess with, sell, lease or privatize the operation or management of your civic CASH COW.

Rule Number Two: Refer to rule number one.

Question to ponder: Where did all the surplus water money from past years go? Answer: Ask the parties who had fiduciary responsibility at the time.

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