Wednesday, September 2, 2009

UEP Downed Again

In a 4-3 vote, the Cape Coral City Council voted to delay voting on the utility expansion project indefinitely.

A step in the right direction. Again, the recipe for future economic success is:

The city should be allowed to move forward with UEP ONLY IF:

1. NO MORE OUTSOURCING: MWH is removed and no outsource or at risk contractors are involved. The Cape does not need to spend taxpayer money to benefit Halliburton.

2. CREATE JOBS & AN ECONOMY: The project must involve city project managment & labor; we need jobs to create a durable economic base for the Cape.

This is when the City should be spending to hire and create a permanent base, rather than cutting back.

3. NO PRIVATIZATION: no infrastructure assets are sold/leased to service ANY debt.

NEVER sell or lease the rights to your most valuable asset of all, your water.

Beware of demagogue's wearing sheeps clothing...

Word has it that for a sack of gold, old "Sleepy" Sullivan would sell the city's future out from under it to CH2MHill at the drop of a hat. Say it ain't so Sully!

4. TRIM THE FAT: Deficit ridden fire & police payrolls need to be trimmed...

along with fire & police bargaining units cutting back on outrageous 100% & overtime aided pension benefits. This is what truly bankrupt's municipalities.

Fire & Police could actually benefit from major concessions being proposed by the rank and file bargaining unit. (More to come on this in our next post.)

These four steps are the Cape's ONLY way out of this economic depression. This Mayor and future council's would be well advised to heed the above advice.

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