Thursday, June 11, 2009

The City Overpaid?

More of our highlights from a News-Press forum on the subject of Water utilities in Cape Coral…

You have limited options with population 150K; only 51K actually pay a water bill in the Cape; in an area that you could fit BOTH Boston AND San Francisco.

6200 in SW at $25K = $155 Million; 55000 in North at $7K = $385 Million. Lets see now, thats $540 Million we can borrow against and take from Peter to pay Paul.

Paul being the $310 Million in bond money already spent on water infrastructure, that comprises 80% of existing city indebtedness.

Bottom line: MWH did a Bernie and MADEOFF with $310 Million for what should have been $100 Million worth of work.

Already done: raise rates & expand the base.

Orders: get rid of MWH & corrupt guvmint lackeys; keep the work inhouse; create local jobs; use local contractors; under NO circumstance sell infrastructure assets.

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